| This survey of compensation of ministers, office personnel & custodians of Southern Baptist churches was conducted as a joint project of SBC state conventions in cooperation with GuideStone Financial Resources, SBC. Reports are based on compensation for 17,350 individuals serving 7,095 SBC churches in all 50 states.
While this data is made available with respect for the autonomy of each local church, the information can help a church be objective in considering appropriate staff compensation.
Use menu options below to view reports based on data from all states or for a selected state convention(s). All amounts are annual amounts based on 2006 compensation. Cost of living adjustments should be made when using the data in subsequent years.
A key feature of this study is the CUSTOMIZED REPORT. It provides reports for only those churches of similar attendance, membership and budget to your own.
The 2006 study includes a new report that addresses the question of what percentage of a church’s budget normally goes for staff compensation and benefits. |